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Purpose or Stepping Stone?

These past few weeks, I've been immersed in reflections of my experience with a college horsemanship class, as well as inspiration that I have gained from the Spirit Wind Center at the Velvet Mill. The reflection and inspiration hatched an idea that is lingering over me. I can't help but think to myself, have I finally found the purpose that God planned for me? Or is it a stepping stone? I can't say for sure, this is what's on my mind.

I've been thinking to myself, if I were to work for a riding school and/or contribute to founding it, what would the approach be? First of all, I would want to lessons to be run the way the instructors at my college horsemanship class ran it (which has been mentioned in the deadlines and personal matters post). Students would work with horses out of the saddle first, they would do some basic groundwork, desensitizing exercises (i.e touching horse with a whip, kicking a ball, leading horse over obstacles, etc.) and overall establish a partnership with the horse. This approach can help students get to know their horses' personality, strengths, limits, what skills will be quicker to accomplish, and other skills that are going to take time. Then the students can individually decide when they are ready to ride their horse, and can try bareback if desired. Not everyone will be ready at the same time, and ride at the same pace. Even though there would be encouragement for students to push outside their comfort zone, nothing would ever be forced on them.

The second part of the riding school would include a creative and spiritual aspect. I learned from the Spirit Wind Center that art and spirituality is a form of reflection and empowerment. So for each lesson, students can reflect on their experience either in the form of writing, drawing, painting, music, meditation and/ or prayer; whatever they feel comfortable with. The form of art and/ or spirituality can help them answer questions such as, what stood out to me the most? What went well? What did not go well? What can I do differently next time? What can I continue to do? That way they can come up with strategies to strengthen their partnership with the horse, and apply them to everyday life and real world situations. So students would be empowering themselves as a rider and individual.

I have always been the type to work independently and vowed that I would never be a partner with someone. However if this something I'm meant to do, I need to be open minded because business is not my forte. So it would be ideal for me to partner with someone or a few people who have the same idea/outlook, but has a grasp and preference for the business side. Again this is an idea that is inspiring my mind.

If contributing and/or founding a riding school is my purpose or a stepping stone to it, I know that this will be fulfilling. Nothing would make me happier then to blend my love for horses and creativity. Not to mention provide a place of learning and soul searching for others. Also I can pursue my passion for spiritual writing on the side, or eventually make it a life long career. Although there has been reluctance to be a partner, I know that are benefits of being a team player. For all I know, my partner/partners are reading this right now, and the idea will become a reality. I just have to wait and see.

Finding our purpose is often fun and fulfilling, as well as tiring and frustrating. Sometimes there are encounters of deception, we may be lead to believe that we have found our purpose, until something else suggests that we have not. Or there are times when we find stepping stones to our purpose. To those of you who are still searching, don't give up. To those of you who have found it, congratulations and God bless you. As always, thank you for your time and I hope that all of you find blessings in all you do!

Warm regards,


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